
Partnerships with academic institutions

It was not coincidentally that Antibiotice, the factory which at the time synthesized penicillin – was founded in Iasi, in 1955. At the time, there were several educational institutions in Iasi and a university forming specialists who would be hired here, at the factory (graduates of the Faculties of Biology, Chemistry, Medicine and Pharmacy).
At present, Antibiotice collaborates with educational institutions and universities in the recruitment and selection policy of future employees, offering altogether support to familiarize pupils and students in internships with the pharmaceutical industry requirements and relevant notions.

Antibiotice has signed collaboration partnerships, which by now have become traditional, with:

Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University

Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iasi

Gh. Asachi Technical University Iasi

Petru Poni” Technological High School

Moreover, our company annually opens its gates, within the “A different type of school-week program” for hundreds of students in primary, secondary and high schools who want to discover what the manufacturing of a pharmaceutical product in conditions of safety, high-quality and efficacy is all about.