Continuous and active presence on the market
To medical professionals worldwide we offer a portfolio made up of 148 quality generic medicines with proven therapeutic efficiency (prescription drugs, drugs without a prescription and dietary supplements) from 11 therapeutic classes.
Our diverse portfolio reaches medical units and pharmacies through national coverage distributors. They represent Antibiotice both in the relationship with open circuit pharmacies and at auctions organized by the health units ensuring a continuous and sustained presence of our products on the Romanian pharmaceutical market.
The quality of its products and the reputation our company enjoys on the Romanian market have made Antibiotice what is today (according to the data provided by Cegedim):
- the most important manufacturer of anti-infective and generic medicinal products in Romania
- the most important provider of prescription generics medicines to hospitals
- a leader in the manufacture of ointments and suppositories (in terms of volume)
- the third manufacturer of dermatological drugs (in terms of value)
- the manufacturer of a full range of essential anti-tuberculosis drugs
You can contact a company representative by filling in the Contact form.