Antibiotice attracts funds from PNRR for green energy production

The Antibiotice Company announces today the obtaining of a new non-refundable financing, after two weeks ago it received financing worth 85 million lei for a new production capacity of sterile solutions and topical products. This time it is a non-refundable financing for the investment in a production capacity of electricity from renewable sources, obtained from PNRR funds.

Antibiotice attracts funds from PNRR for green energy production

The project for the construction of a production capacity of 2.52 MWh of electricity through a photovoltaic system was submitted by the company Antibiotice for financing and selected to receive non-refundable funds following the competitive call PNRR/2022/C6/M ENERGIE/I1.

The value of the financing is 4,078,620 lei and is granted by the Ministry of Energy from European funds related to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). The total investment in this project is estimated at 13,775,806 lei, the difference to be provided from the company’s own funds.

The production capacity of electricity from renewable sources (solar energy) will be located on the industrial platform of the Antibiotice company and will cover a built area of 31,428 m2 through the installation of 4,680 photovoltaic panels.

Antibiotice attracts funds from PNRR for green energy production

Once completed, this investment will ensure the production of an annual amount of electricity that will cover 26.4% of the operation of the industrial platform in Iași (by reference to the consumption recorded in the previous year).

The sustainable development of the company to ensure the conservation of resources for future generations and a healthy environment is a main direction of the sustainability strategy of Antibiotice in the year 2023 and in the perspective of the 2030s.

“Also this year, we also proposed the implementation of a set of photovoltaic panels on the company’s buildings, so that the production of green energy that would ensure autonomy from an energy point of view would increase to approximately 35% of the industrial platform’s needs. These two investments will be made with the application of the DNSH – Do No Significant Harm principle, which requires us to build sustainably, in safe and efficient conditions, in such a way that the environment is not affected throughout and in all phases of the project, from design to the decommissioning stage”, stated Sebastian Costea, manager of Strategic Projects.

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