The European Investment Bank (EIB) and Antibiotice have joined forces to develop local medicine production. The 25 million euro loan agreement supports the financing of state-of-the-art production, packaging and storage capacity, thus facilitating the development of new production lines, digitalization, as well as research and development capabilities. The EIB loan represents a quarter of the total investment cost of 95.4 million euros.

Antibiotice obtains a new non-reimbursable financing for the investment in a renewable electricity production capacity, obtained from PNRR funds.

Antibiotice get the agreement to finance the project “Production capacity, packaging and storage of sterile, solutions and topicals products”. The total value of the project is 200,101,617 lei, of which the state aid is worth 85,002,772 million lei, the rest being provided from own resources.

Antibiotice, the most important Romanian pharmaceutical producer, becomes a member of the Sustainable Romania Coalition, the first platform for sustainable development established by the Sustainability Embassy in Romania, a private initiative, apolitical, officially recognized as partner and facilitator of dialogue on sustainability issues of the Department for Sustainable Development of the Romanian Government.

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